Friday, 28 August 2009

The moral of the story

Nowadays bad news travels fast. Sound bytes of frightening crimes, depressing stories of injustice, human suffering, or the cruel and evil acts of violence of 'brother' pitched against 'brother' is the order of the day.

Every one of us must battle with our own inner demons at times.

Since the dawn of time, there has always been the existence of 'good' and'evil' . One instrinsically cannot co-exist without the other, like Ying and Yang.

Our modern world is now more challenging and confusing than ever, with a myriad of distractions vying for our attention with usual hidden agendas, this in itself can be deceptive. So at times it can be difficult to know what is really good for us ? There is so much choice, but also the temptation to make a bad choice which can have a negative domino effect not just on ourselves but on the lives of others .

This can often be the case with regards to our ethical choices. We often lay the blame for bad judgement and bad life choices on 'human nature' or 'human frailty' or Religion.  We do it all the time, over and over to justify bad  behaviour. Sometimes grown men behave like pigs and lay the blame on other's or  ' Adam' ! But there is no ' Adam.'  Symbolic figures which we clutch to, in order to avoid taking responsibility for our own actions.

What indeed is the moral good for society as a whole? As we are all becoming entangled in an ever-spiralling drive for personal satisfaction and individuality, rather than the greater good for society as a whole. We constantly seek something bigger and better, an ever greater quest or personal endeavour to sate our insatiable thirst for instant gratification, or a sense of purpose, as a means of measuring our success and our very being. Awareness of what motivates the choices we make as an individual can be influenced by our beliefs and values.

What are your beliefs and values ? whatever your beliefs, whether you believe in the triumph of good over evil, a belief in a higher being or spirit like God ,Jesus, Johovah, Buddha, Shiva, native american, Aborignal , Mother Nature, Pagan or Atheist. We need to be mindful of the societal group, our environment, our human and animal brethren we share this beautiful world with.

What influences the decisions you make ? Our values reflect and impact not just on the individual being, but society as a whole. More often than not, money and greed dictate our motivations, hence the rich inevitably get richer, and the poor get poorer. Definitely a sign of our times ! but what good is all the material wealth in this world , if you are poor in heart and love ?

A lot of people are content living their lives among the shadows. However they give little thought to what is casting those shadows. They think shadows are all there are, they never realise that they are, in fact, shadows. We all live in our own cocoons, sometimes not questioning or realising the bigger impact perhaps that our lives and actions have on our 'global village'. For example most Americans  are unaware that they churn out over 4.5 pounds of rubbish per day, and vast quantities of their rubbish and E.U countries ends up in landfill on the other side of the world causing pollution, environmental damage and serious risk to health . Most of the west now export many of their problems. So ask yourself this question, what motivates you in your decision making? Recognising the motivations which spur us on  to make the choices and decisions we do is a good starting point when faced with which path we choose. Self awareness is key.

So stop , reflect, endeavour to make the right choices which bring joy to you and those you love .

The native americans have the custom of basing all their actions on how it will affect seven generations into the future; that is, the future we leave our children with. What a wonderful idea for governments to implement before they make any policies, but also for us when making choices. If we don't have a reliable moral compass things can get out of control and lead us down the wrong path into darkness and misery .

An old Cherokee chief was teaching his grandson about life...

"A fight is going on inside me," he said to the boy.
"It is a terrible fight and it is between two wolves.

"One is evil - he is anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, self-doubt, and ego.

"The other is good - he is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion, and faith.

"This same fight is going on inside you - and inside every other person, too."

The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather,
"Which wolf will win?"

The old chief simply replied, “the one you feed. “

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